• 2399 Dawson Forest Road East Dawsonville, GA. 30534
  • Support (706) 216-7387

Kitten visits

Kitten visits

Did you know your kitten may need vaccines and de-worming as early as 8 weeks old?

Vaccinations are important for your young kitten. Some infectious diseases are fatal, and vaccinations can protect your kitten from many of these diseases. In order to be effective, immunizations must be given as a series of injections at prescribed intervals, so it is essential that you are on time for your kitten’s scheduled vaccinations. Immunizations are started around 8 weeks of age and are repeated every 3-4 weeks until the kitten is 4 months old.

Even keeping your cats indoors, sometimes they come to us with intestinal parasites. Our veterinary team can help you put together the best wellness plan specific to your cat/kitten's needs.